Any engagement of the patent law firm "Grättinger Möhring von Poschinger Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB" (hereafter: GMvP) is carried out in addition to the professional regulations for patent attorneys (obligation to maintain confidentiality, prohibition of representation of conflicting interests, ...) on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions, which are available for you on our website www.realpatent.de. We may draw your attention expressly to the limitation of liability contained therein.
- The content and scope of the services to be provided by GMvP are subject to the order as agreed between the client and GMvP.
- In case of verbal or telephonic information or declarations of considerable legal or economic significance, the client is obligated to ask for written confirmation. Otherwise he cannot invoke the binding nature of the given information or declaration.
- The liability of GMvP vis-à-vis the client arising from the mandate for compensation of damage caused by simple negligence is limited in accordance with section 45b para. 1 of the German Patent Attorneys Act ("Patentanwaltsordnung") to a maximum amount of € 10.000.000,00 (in words: ten million euros) for each individual case. Liability for intent or gross negligence as well as for culpably caused damage cases arising from injury to the life, body or health of a person is not limited. On the request of the client, a higher maximum liability amount can be agreed upon in individual cases.
- After termination of a mandate, GMvP is only obligated for a maximum period of six years to keep and hand over files pursuant to section 44 of the German Patent Attorneys Act, beginning at the end of the year in which the mandate is concluded.
- All legal disputes arising out of or in connection with the client relationship are solely governed by German law. Exclusive place of jurisdiction is Munich.
Last updated: July 1st, 2019
Office address
Grättinger · Möhring · von Poschinger
Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Wittelsbacherstr. 2b
82319 Starnberg
Postal address
Grättinger · Möhring · von Poschinger
Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
P.O. Box 16 55
82306 Starnberg
Telefon +49 – 8151 – 9 15 20
Telefax +49 – 8151 – 1 44 82
E-Mail info@realpatent.de