Dipl.-Phys. Hubertus von Poschinger‑Camphausen

Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney
Specialist areas of technology
General physics | Fuel cell technology | Nano-technology | Laser technology | Measurement technology | Gearing technology | Automotive engineering | Information technology | Software-related inventions | Computer implemented inventions
Specialist areas of intellectual property law
Drafting patent applications | Patent examination proceedings | Building up international patent portfolios | Trademark law | Design law | Law on employees inventions | License agreements | IP-strategy | Out-of-court and judicial (co-)representation in property rights conflicts and infringements
German Patent Attorney Chamber | epi | FICPI | GRUR | BayPat e.V. (Bayerischer Patentanwaltsverein)
Hubertus v. Poschinger studied physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. He completed his diploma thesis at the Chair for Photonics and Optoelectronics. During his physics studies, he worked as an analyst for a renowned venture capital company in Munich and, after completing his studies, worked for one year in the R&D department of BMW AG before beginning his training as a patent attorney at Grättinger & Partner at the beginning of 2004. He was admitted as a German Patent Attorney in 2007 and as a European Patent Attorney in 2008. He has been a partner in our firm since 2009.
In his leisure time he enjoys alpine skiing and scuba diving.